Breaking News

Monday 24 February 2014

The silence between us

The silence between us has silenced me 
dates that had once been special are now just days
the thought of coming closer tingles me
only to be reminded of the decision we made 
of not being together as it is love that brings pain 


time has passed and so have days 
but that one touch still influences me 
our story might not be as beautiful as harry and sally
nor as painful as romeo and Juliet
but its our story , our surreal love story 

100 days of summer might not have got over 
but the pain of being together yet apart is much greater 
i now hesitate to lie on your shoulders 
to hold your hand and wipe your tears 

how much do i wish to be with you again 
to disappoint the courage that holds me back 
painful it is but i wish to be that one unlucky star
who brightens your life and engulfs all the dark

PC  : 

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