We all have witnessed politicians fighting , quarreling and throwing shoes at each other in the parliament but the current scenario of social networking site becoming a cause of relief for the Lok Sabha Speaker seems quite shocking . With eminent leaders of political parties shooting tweets against each other , twitter has now become the new parliament . The only difference between the old and the new parliament is that the latter has greater transparency while the former shows transparency only when its esteemed members are caught watching porn movies and barging into each others personal territories .

The Congress and the BJP entered into a series of words after the latter demanded the dismissal of the Uttarakhand government for not handling the disaster properly . Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tiwari in his bid to save Congress tweeted "H'onble LOP's have mindspace to critique govt proposals on CBI autonomy that are yet to be placed before SC but no time to visit Uttrakhand." You can accuse me of dragging the tweet further but i am helpless . I am unaware of the abbreviation LOP's and that is why i have decided to give the abbreviation my own meaning - 'Lok Sabha Opponents' . It might sound odd but it fits the bill accurately . I really appreciate Manish Tewari's strike to avenge his party's ignominy but little did he realize that making such statements requires accurate knowledge about the subject. Poor Manish didn't bother to heed to my advice and thus suffered shame at the hands of BJP leader Sushma Swaraj . Sushma Swaraj hit back at Manesh Tiwari saying that it was Home Minsiter Sushil Kumar Shinde who had asked 'dignitaries' to stay away as it would hamper rescue operations. Going a step further she even acknowledged her contribution by saying that it was she who made Congress realize the "scale of tragedy".

While every tweet managed to make an impact , the one by the new media cell appointed by the Congress party stole the show . It said "@SushmaSwarajbjp Pyre of many Victims of this Natural Calamity still warm. First BJP tried to take credit of evacuating 15000 in a day! 1/2 Instead of helping in relief works in U'khand, don't try to use this calamity as a Political Opportunity! #NoPoliticsOverCalamity." No politics over calamity - a line mouthed by every political party and not followed by any . While Congress chose to play safe with "No politics over calamity" Sushma Swaraj launched an attack on the government "What has your state Government done ? Nothing. The living are starving. The dead are being robbed. And you are patting you. Those who cannot govern in crisis do not deserve to be in the Government even for a day" she tweeted angrily.Though Congress has my hearty sympathies i cannot deny the reason behind Shushma Swaraj's anger . The clip of sadhus robbing dead people uncovers a dangerous state of human emotion . People call it ruthlessness , devilish but has anybody thought what made them perform such an inhuman act ? Sushmaji When the living do not have anything to eat , they will obviously resort to robbery and what better than robbing a dead person . My words might sound harsh but so is the reality . As rescue operations come to an end , the tweeter battle commences .
Image source : phandroid.com
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