How many of you have the constant urge to be loved ? Do you despise your single status ? You are in a relationship yet unhappy or you can't stay single for a long time ? These are few questions which teenagers and youngsters alike face . Is their a key to unlock these questions ? I guess no but you can certainly tackle them by listening to your heart .
By the way folks i am no love guru or heart surgeon to advice you or give you suggestions on love or heart break but like any other human being i have faith in destiny and believe that every damn problem has a solution (phew!) . Now let us come straight to the point . You see that guy with awesome smile and spectacles everyday but can not accumulate enough courage to go and strike a conversation with him . Well , that's the case with every other girl out there . But have you ever thought why is it so ? Why do you have such feelings for the guy or why could you never open you big mouth in front him ? Well , hell hath its fury and you find yourself falling for him . You have two options ladies - first is to go and speak to him and second is to wait for him to come to you and in the mean time see him walking out with some other girl. I guess many of us will prefer the former one but practice the late . I guess it is easier said then done . Ladies , you need to gather enough courage to not let your guy be taken by any random girl . Nothing in this world occurs without a motive , if you have feelings for him then say him . I am not asking you to just go to him and blabber out those three magical words , that will declare you a maniac . So just loosen up , go with the flow and when the time comes jump on it and Voila ! he is yours .
Some are lucky to have the company of somebody special in their life but are throttled every moment by boredom and accountability . Both the genders are equally effected by this problem which doesn't really has a cure . The best way to deal with it is to start all over again and go through series of introduction , exchanging phone numbers , chatting , dating , candle light dinner and blah blah ... It is the responsibility of both the partners to spice up their relationship and avoid misunderstandings . If nothing works out then its better to break up . A broken relationship is better then a relationship based on fidelity and lies .
'Someone's surely made for you and God has decided the right time to make you meet that person , until then , enjoy being single', i seriously do not mind my celibataire status as it gives my the freedom to do what i like and search for my Mr. Right . I know that sometimes it seems lonely out there but it comes in with a lot of benefits too . So dear Men and Ladies , enjoy your single status until it gets complicated . Au revoir !
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waiting for the right time ?
By the way folks i am no love guru or heart surgeon to advice you or give you suggestions on love or heart break but like any other human being i have faith in destiny and believe that every damn problem has a solution (phew!) . Now let us come straight to the point . You see that guy with awesome smile and spectacles everyday but can not accumulate enough courage to go and strike a conversation with him . Well , that's the case with every other girl out there . But have you ever thought why is it so ? Why do you have such feelings for the guy or why could you never open you big mouth in front him ? Well , hell hath its fury and you find yourself falling for him . You have two options ladies - first is to go and speak to him and second is to wait for him to come to you and in the mean time see him walking out with some other girl. I guess many of us will prefer the former one but practice the late . I guess it is easier said then done . Ladies , you need to gather enough courage to not let your guy be taken by any random girl . Nothing in this world occurs without a motive , if you have feelings for him then say him . I am not asking you to just go to him and blabber out those three magical words , that will declare you a maniac . So just loosen up , go with the flow and when the time comes jump on it and Voila ! he is yours . In relationship ?

For singles !

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