Breaking News

Monday, 1 April 2013


What is faith to me ? Often  we misuse the word faith for trust , underestimating its true essence . Religion is another term based on faith but are we really faithful towards our religion ? If yes , then how does religion define faith ?

Religion is no longer pure and sacred . It is adulterated with stains of Politics. Countries like Pakistan , Iran and Syria which were founded on faith have lost their sheen and credibility . I am not blaming any particular religion for their failure and distortion . Politicians who were once leaders mistook faith as a means to achieve their goals . Therefore religion based on faith has changed our outlook towards society . Thanks to religion based politics , India might soon make into the above mentioned list . 

Religion is slowly taking us towards atheism . In this process , we start fearing God instead of loving him , offer him all kinds of prayer with no affection but when it goes in vain we are bound to fall shallow . We still have the fear instilled in us but the fear is not big enough to win over our ego . Sticking photos and stickers of God on the glasses with no regard for them is nothing but atheism . I would rather use the word 'semi-atheist' as  it fits into the picture very well .

I would like to make it clear that i am not against atheism . Religion or no religion , it is their personal choice and i am certainly nobody to dictate them  . What hurts me is the sad state of faith based religion . It is no longer existent . Every other individual uses it as a tool  to gain or lose something ( yes ,lose) . It is more or less like a barter system , you give me this and i will pay you in return ( the payment can be of any kind) . We might be a semi-atheist yet we will hesitate to vote for a person of different religion or caste . The day isn't far when there wouldn't be religious people but semi-atheists and atheists .

God bless us !

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